The X-Grip is the second most famous custom undergrip.

This is a good option if you prefer the silicon wrap form factor, but would like a soft, highly vibration reducing feel. With a 4.1 ⭐️ rating from 72 reviews on Amazon, while some reviewers rave about its comfort, some question its durability. As a direct competitor to the Hesacore, several reviewers claimed the X-Grip seemed more durable than the Hesacore.


  • Soft vibration-reducing feel


  • Delicate
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The X-Grip is the second most famous custom undergrip.

This is a good option if you prefer the silicon wrap form factor, but would like a soft, highly vibration reducing feel. With a 4.1 ⭐️ rating from 72 reviews on Amazon, while some reviewers rave about its comfort, some question its durability. As a direct competitor to the Hesacore, several reviewers claimed the X-Grip seemed more durable than the Hesacore.

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