Recensioni dei prodotti

Nox Custom Grip

May 2024

The most recent addition to the padel undergrip family is Nox’s Custom Grip.

The independent placement of the spines allow you to create a customized grip form factor. This grip weighs about less than other options, so it will have a much smaller impact on the balance of your racquet. Unfortunately, it will also have smaller impact in terms of vibration reduction


  • Lightweight
  • Customizable


  • Less vibration-reducing than alternatives
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Nox Custom Grip

The most recent addition to the padel undergrip family is Nox’s Custom Grip.

The independent placement of the spines allow you to create a customized grip form factor. This grip weighs about less than other options, so it will have a much smaller impact on the balance of your racquet. Unfortunately, it will also have smaller impact in terms of vibration reduction

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