
  • Racket weight and balance determines its maneuverability
  • Light, low balance rackets are easy to maneuver
  • Heavy, high balance rackets are hard to maneuver
  • Power-oriented players sacrifice maneuverability for power
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11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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Defining maneuverability

“Manejabilidad” in Spanish.

Maneuverability is an attribute of a padel racket that describes how easy the racket is to handle. It is determined by the racket’s weight and how much of that weight lies at the head.

Maneuverability and power

Maneuverability has an inverse relationship with power, which increases with weight at the head of the racket.

Maneuverable rackets

Rackets with a lot of weight at the head of the racket have high balances.

Beginner rackets are maneuverable because they have low balances.

Advanced players seeking power sacrifice maneuverability to meet their desire for power with high balance rackets.

While advanced control-oriented players balance the importance of maneuverability with the rest of the characteristics of the racket.

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